Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Margery Mason (Harry Potter) RTS - 23. November 2012 This was a surprise to me because I had never seen an RTS from her before.
sent: July 31, 2012
received: Nov. 23, 2012
Billy Marsh Drama Ltd
20 Garrick St
Covent Garden
London, WC2E 9BT
On the envelope, it says a new address, but it's hard to read. I think it says 27 Collbeck Crescent London WW3 5LH When I googled this address, there were no results, so I'm really confused. I hope she hasn't stopped signing.
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Margery Mason (Harry Potter Success)! - 29. Oktober 2012 Sorry I was not able to post this earlier
Sent 8/9/12: LOR, SAE, Pic, $1 USD
Received 10/18/12: A diff. picture signed in My SAE
Its funny because she didnt sign the photo I sent of her in Harry Potter so she sent her own. Then, when the pen wouldnt work on the front of the photo she signed the back of it
Margery Mason
Billy Marsh Drama Ltd.
20 Garrick Street
Covent Garden
London, WC2E 9BT
Thanks Margery and Fanmail! |   |
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Margery Mason (HP's Trolley Lady) SUCCESS! - 16. Oktober 2012 On 8/10/12, I wrote British actress Margery Mason (HP's Trolley Lady) with a TTM autograph request, sending SAE, 3x5 card for signing, and $2 USD for exchange/postage. Got her reply today, 10/16/12, but she sent a signed b/w photo of one of her earlier roles, and it was signed "Margery Mason." Address used is in the fanmail.biz database and is below. 1 of 2 received today.
Margery Mason
c/o Billy Marsh Drama, Ltd.
Covent Garden
20 Garrick Street
London WC2E 9BT
UK |
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