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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
American actress/dancer Nita Bieber success - 28. April 2015 In 1946, Nita appeared in a couple of films for Columbia Pictures, most notably Rhythm and Weep with the Three Stooges. In 1947, she appeared in three more films for Columbia and also appeared in a couple of Monogram flicks, most notably as Mame in the Bowery Boys movie News Hounds. She was featured in a full-page photo on the cover of the November 28, 1949, issue of Life magazine. The article inside talked about her 7-year contract with MGM and Nita's big dance number in the new movie musical Nancy Goes to Rio; but her dance was not included in the final release (it does, however, appear in the home video DVD version). Nita appeared in movies for MGM and Universal until 1955. She appeared as the character Sarah Higgins in Summer Stock, a new movie musical then in production starring Judy Garland and Gene Kelly.
mailed photos 1-21-15
received signed 2-7-15
Nita Bieber
P.O. Box 1889
Avalon, CA 90704-1889
http://surfmypictures.com/image/7e30ea0 ... p5538.html |  |
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Nita Bieber success - 24. September 2014 Sent a LOR, photo and SASE on 8/15/2014
Received photo signed and personalized on 9/23/2014
Address used (from database):
Nita Bieber
P.O. Box 1889
Avalon, CA 90704-1889
|  |
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