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Ken Osmond
Ken Osmond
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Geburtstag: 07. Juni 1943 Autogramm-galerie von Ken Osmond
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Rückkopplung: 26/6/2018 >>>


Ken Osmond

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Ken Osmond Actor Leave it to Beaver - 23. Juli 2018
Kenneth Charles "Ken" Osmond (born June 7, 1943) is an American actor and retired policeman. Beginning a prolific career as a child actor at the age of four, Osmond is best known for his iconic role as Eddie Haskell on the 1950s television situation comedy Leave It to Beaver, and for reprising it on the 1980s revival series The New Leave It to Beaver. Typecast by the role, he found it hard to get other acting work and became a Los Angeles policeman. After retiring from the police, he resumed his acting career. Sent him 2 photos on 1 Jul and got them back signed on 23 Jul.. He also sent a little note saying he is sorry that his signature is so shaky.. Busted up his hand a few years ago and that is the best he can do....Used address in the database Mr Ken Osmond 9863 Wornom Avenue Sunland, CA 91040-1535

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Ken Osmond Success!! - 27. Juni 2018
I sent a photo and self-addressed envelope to the address provided in the database on June 15th, 2018 and received them signed back on June 26th, 2018. I was so surprised at how fast they came! Ken Osmond 9863 Wornom Avenue Sunland, CA 91040-1535 USA I wasn't really sure how to post the picture. I just got this funky jumble of numbers. cid:0E7096D1-8421-4D4D-ADB1-BFD59E1111C4

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Ken Osmond (Eddie Haskell) SUCCESS!!! - 12. April 2014
Date Sent Out: March 31, 2014 Date Got Back: April 11, 2014 Wait Time: 11 Days Address Used: 9863 Wornam Avenue (Sunland, CA 91040) Sent Out: Letter, SASE Got Back: Nice personalized 8x10 photo in my SASE - Uploaded with ###://

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