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Louise Latham
Louise Latham
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Geburtstag: 23. September 1922 Autogramm-galerie von Louise Latham
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Rückkopplung: 20/11/2017 >>>


Louise Latham

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Louise Latham Actress 60s - 90s - 20. November 2017
Louise Latham (born September 23, 1922) is an American actress, perhaps best known for her portrayal of Bernice Edgar in Alfred Hitchcock's film Marnie (1964). Most of Latham's work has been on television. In 1965 she made two appearances on Perry Mason, both roles as the murderer; Matilda Shore in "The Case of the Careless Kitten" and Shirley Logan in "The Case of the Cheating Chancellor". She made other appearances on The Waltons, playing Olivia's Aunt Kate who consoles Olivia through her ordeal with menopause, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, "Kojak", Hawaii Five-O, Ironside, Columbo, Rhoda, Murder, She Wrote, The Streets of San Francisco, Family Affair as Aunt Fran, who leaves Buffy (Anissa Jones) in the care of Uncle Bill (Brian Keith) in the show's first episode, Designing Women (as Perky, the mother of Julia and Suzanne Sugarbaker), The X-Files, and The Invaders in the 1967 episode "Genesis". Latham's character was the first to learn the real circumstances of Dr. Richard Kimble's wife's death in the final episode of The Fugitive (1967). Sent her 2 photos on 7 Nov and got both back signed on 20 Nov.. Ms. Louise Latham 300 Hot Springs Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2037

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Louise Latham Success - 11. Oktober 2017
I had sent out a fan letter and enclosed SASE to Louise Latham on September 28, 2017, and I got a response from her on October 10, 2017! She was very polite, thanking me for my comments on her career, and wished me much happiness. Such a lovely lady! The address I used is far different than the database one, it is as follows: Louise Latham 300 Hot Springs Road Santa Barbara, CA 93108 *NO SCANNER

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Louise Latham success - 13. Januar 2017
Perhaps best known for her portrayal of Bernice Edgar in Alfred Hitchcock's film Marnie. Most of her work has been on television. In 1965 she made two appearances on Perry Mason, both roles as the murderer: Matilda Shore in "The Case of the Careless Kitten," and Shirley Logan in "The Case of the Cheating Chancellor". She made other appearances on The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Hawaii Five-O, Ironside, Columbo, Murder, She Wrote, Family Affair as Aunt Fran, who leaves Buffy in the care of Uncle Bill in the show's first episode, Designing Women, The X-Files, and The Invaders in the 1967 episode "Genesis". Latham's character was the first to learn the real circumstances of Dr. Richard Kimble's wife's death in the final episode of The Fugitive. She was a regular in the cast of the short-lived 1976 CBS series Sara. She appeared in such films as Mass Appeal, The Philadelphia Experiment, Paradise and Love Field. Her Broadway theatre credits include a 1956 revival of Major Barbara, Invitation to a March, and Isle of Children. mailed photo 9-12-16 received signed 9-20-16 used: private resident address Santa Barbara, Ca. Note: per admin and other people who have complained here I won't post private address for privacy reasons. ... r2ub8.html

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