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Pat Crowley
Pat Crowley
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Geburtstag: 17. September 1933 Autogramm-galerie von Pat Crowley
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Rückkopplung: 23/7/2020 >>>


Pat Crowley
551 Perugia Way
Los Angeles, CA 90077-3708
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

551 Perugia Way
Los Angeles, CA 90077-3708
Vereinigte Staaten

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Pat Crowley Actress Singer - 23. Juli 2020
Sent to address in the data base on 7-9-20 Recd 7-23-20 Recd two signed 3x5 with different inscriptions and she sent a small inscribed photo Pat Crowley 551 Perugia Way Los Angeles, CA 90077-3708 USA

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Pat Crowley Actress Singer - 15. Dezember 2018
Patricia Crowley (born September 17, 1933) is an American actress. Crowley played Sally Carver in the film Forever Female (1953), starring Ginger Rogers and William Holden. She starred as Doctor Autumn Claypool alongside Martin and Lewis in Money from Home (1953), and in their final film together Hollywood or Bust (1956), in which she played Terry Roberts. Her roles in Forever Female and Money from Home led to her receiving the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year - Actress. She also co-starred with Rosemary Clooney in a 1954 musical, Red Garters, and with Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray in the 1956 drama There's Always Tomorrow. She had a starring role opposite Tony Curtis in the boxing drama The Square Jungle (1955) and the Audie Murphy western Walk the Proud Land, and was also featured in 1963's The Wheeler Dealers, a comedy starring James Garner and Lee Remick. Sent her 2 photos on 21 Nov and got them back signed 15 Dec. [youtubezuniuA3oNNI[/youtube [youtubeL0IczyysmBg[/youtube [youtubet9jf8wQVjFs[/youtube Ms Pat Crowley 551 Perugia Way Los Angeles, CA 90077

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Pat Crowley Success! - 09. November 2018
I wrote to Ms. Crowley on 10-25-18 and received a response back on 11-09-18. I sent her four pictures she signed three but included a small 3 x 4 of her with Dean Martin that she signed. Pat Crowley 551 Perugia Way Los Angeles, CA 90077-3708 ... 9qz0v.html ... r1cjj.html ... stlyw.html ... mwd73.html ... 4ksz1.html

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