Bill Stanfill 3117 Wisteria Ct Albany, GA 31721-2988 Vereinigte Staaten |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Bill Stanfill American Football - 25. April 2015 William Thomas Stanfill (born January 13, 1947) is a former defensive end for the Miami Dolphins of the American Football League and then the NFL after the AFL-NFL merger of 1970. Member of the College Football Hall Of Fame while playing for Georgia as of 1998.
He was unofficially second on the 17-0 Super Bowl winning Dolphins team with 10 sacks (behind left defensive end Vern Den Herder's 10½) and was voted All-Pro by the Associated Press. He was a consensus All-AFC selection that unofficially led the Dolphins in sacks in 1973 with 18½ and was a consensus All-Pro and All-AFC selection as the 12-2 Dolphins won their second straight Super Bowl. His unofficial 1973 sack total still stands as the team record, although All-Pro Jason Taylor tied that mark in 2002. On October 7, 1973, Stanfill set the unofficial single-game sack record versus the New York Jets. Two weeks later, teammate Vern Den Herder tied that mark against the Buffalo Bills.
Sent 2 photos on 1 Apr and got them back signed on 25 Apr.. Did not put 17-0 on the photos but did add #84.
Mr Bill Stanfill
3117 Wisteria Ct.
Albany, GA. 31721 |
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