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Peggy Dow
Peggy Dow
Schauspielerin Forum
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Geburtstag: 18. Marz 1928 Autogramm-galerie von Peggy Dow
Offizielle seite: Bearbeiten
E-mail: Bearbeiten
Rückkopplung: 8/8/2015 >>>


Peggy Dow
2121 S Yorktown Ave
Apt 801
Tulsa, OK 74114-1431
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

2121 S Yorktown Ave
Apt 801
Tulsa, OK 74114-1431
Vereinigte Staaten

Karte vergrößern


Peggy Dow
1437 S Boulder Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74119-3692
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

1437 S Boulder Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74119-3692
Vereinigte Staaten

Karte vergrößern

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Peggy Dow Actress early 50s - 08. August 2015
Peggy V. Helmerich (born March 18, 1928, Columbia, Mississippi), born Peggy Josephine Varnadow and known professionally as Peggy Dow, is an American philanthropist and retired actress. After brief modeling and radio experience, Dow was spotted by a talent agent and cast in a TV show in February 1949. Universal offered her a seven-year contract. She made nine films, most notably as Nurse Kelly in Harvey (1950), starring James Stewart, and co-starring with Best Actor Oscar nominee Arthur Kennedy in Bright Victory (1951). Sent her 2 photos of her with Jimmy Stewart from the film Harvey on 1 Aug and got both back signed 8 Aug. Ms Peggy Dow 1437 S Boulder Avenue Tulsa, OK 74119-3692

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PEGGY DOW - 01. August 2015
So happy with this success !!!! She is a living legend and a beautiful woman her very much in Harvey and Reunion in Reno too .....Sent 2-3 weeks ago to address in DB ,LOR ,One pict ,she provided the other and IRC,S .... Born in Columbia, Mississippi, at age 4 she moved with her family to Covington, Louisiana. She attended high school and junior college at Gulf Park College in Gulfport, Mississippi (now the Gulf Park campus of the University of Southern Mississippi), then finished college at Northwestern University in Illinois, appearing in college plays and receiving her degree from Northwestern's School of Speech in 1948.[1[2 After brief modeling and radio experience, Dow was spotted by a talent agent and cast in a TV show in February 1949. Shortly after that exposure, Universal offered her a seven-year contract. After an early TV appearance, she made nine films, most notably as Nurse Kelly in Harvey (1950), starring James Stewart,[3 and co-starring with Best Actor Oscar nominee Arthur Kennedy in Bright Victory (1951).[4 After being featured in several crime dramas, Dow had starring roles in two 1951 family films, Reunion in Reno and You Never Can Tell

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Peggy Dow - 28. Juli 2015
Sent to Peggy Dow in early February I think. I used the address which is in this site. Today I got picture back signed and personalized, and she put on the stamp.

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