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Jack Pardee
Jack Pardee
Ehemaliger American-Football-Spieler Forum
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Geburtstag: 19. April 1936 Autogramm-galerie von Jack Pardee
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Rückkopplung: 1/3/2012 >>>


Jack Pardee

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

former NFL FB/LB "Jack Pardee" success - 16. März 2012
Only head coach to helm a team in college football, the National Football League, the United States Football League, the World Football League, and the Canadian Football League. Pardee played for the Rams from 1957 to 1970; sitting out the 1965 season while battling melanoma. In 1971, Pardee joined the Washington Redskins, ending his playing career there in 1973. In 1975, Pardee was hired by the Chicago Bears as head coach. He spent the next three years there, leading Chicago to their first playoff berth in 14 years in 1977, before moving on to the Washington Redskins. In 1979 he led the Redskins to within 1 game of making the playoffs, but in the seasons final week they blew a 13-point lead to the eventual NFC East champions Dallas Cowboys and missed the playoffs. When the World Football League started up in 1974, Pardee got his first head coaching job with the Washington Ambassadors. In 1984, Pardee returned to his native Texas by becoming the head coach of the Houston Gamblers. The Gamblers played spring football in the United States Football League. Pardee returned to Houston in 1987, by becoming the head coach at the University of Houston. During his three year stint, the Cougars, utilizing the same offense he coached in the USFL, produced the first ever African-American quarterback to win the Heisman Trophy, Andre Ware. mailed photo 2-24-12 received signed 3-1-12 used: Jack Pardee P.O. Box 272 Gause, TX 77857-0272 ... 024xn.jpg/

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