Rosey Grier Prostate Cancer Foundation 1250 4th Street 6th Floor Santa Monica, CA 90401 Vereinigte Staaten
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Prostate Cancer Foundation (Stiftung) 1250 4th Street 6th Floor Santa Monica, CA 90401 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: (310) 570-4700 Fax: (310) 570-4701
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Rosey Grier Success - 15. Februar 2025 I wrote to Mr. Grier on 10-24-2024 and I heard back on 02-15-2025
Rosey Grier
1250 4th Street, 6th Floor
Santa Monica, CA. 90401
http://surfmypictures.com/image/866da19c81622a26/oo264.html |   |
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Rosey Grier American Football Player - 14. Dezember 2018 Roosevelt Grier (born July 14, 1932) is an American actor, singer, Protestant minister, and former professional American football player. He was a notable college football player for The Pennsylvania State University who earned a retrospective place in the National Collegiate Athletic Association 100th anniversary list of 100 most influential student athletes. As a professional player, Grier was a member of the New York Giants and the original Fearsome Foursome of the Los Angeles Rams. He played in the Pro Bowl twice. Grier was well known in the 1970s for his hobbies of needlepoint and macrame.
After Grier's professional sports career, he worked as a bodyguard for Robert Kennedy during the 1968 presidential campaign and was guarding the senator's wife, Ethel Kennedy, during the Robert F. Kennedy assassination. Although unable to prevent that killing, Grier took control of the gun and subdued the shooter, Sirhan Sirhan.
New York Giants (1955-1962)
Los Angeles Rams (1963-1966)
Sent him 2 photos over 2 years ago and one out of the 2 were returned signed on 14 Dec.
Also sent a printed note saying... God is the center of my life and I want to please him in all that I do.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. If you would like more autographs, you can send a $30 donation to:
Rosey Grier Giant Step Foundation
12100 Wilshire Blvd Suite 830
Los Angelses, CA 90025 |
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