Wally Moon 2410 Memorial Dr Apt B120 Bryan, TX 77802-2861 Vereinigte Staaten |
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(Privatanschrift) 2410 Memorial Dr Apt B120 Bryan, TX 77802-2861 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: Fax:
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Wally Moon Baseball R T S $$$$ - 03. Juli 2017 Wallace Wade Moon, known as Wally Moon, (born April 3, 1930, in Bay, Craighead County, Arkansas) is a former Major League Baseball outfielder. Moon played his 12-year career in the major leagues for the St. Louis Cardinals (1954â58) and Los Angeles Dodgers (1959â65). He batted left-handed and threw right-handed.
Moon was the 1954 National League Rookie of the Year.
Was a 3-time World Series champion with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1959, 1963, and 1965.
Wrote to Wally Moon on 20 Jun and sent 2 photos for him to sign.. They came back, 3 Jul, unsigned with a note saying he charges $6 per item..
Mr Wally Moon
2410 Memorial Dr Apt B-120
Bryan, TX 77802-2861 |
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Wally Moon - 04. Dezember 2013 i sent away on 11/15. received back unsigned with a note including a paper stating the fees on 11/30. used address in database |
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Wally Moon-Former mlb Cards-Dodgers/Success - 20. Juli 2011 Back on 7/5 I sent a lor, sase-bubble envelope, $8 fee and a baseball to former St. Louis Cardinals and LA Dodgers player Wally Moon. Today on 7/19 I received the bubble mailer envelope with my baseball signed in blue pen, with the inscriptions "1954 NL ROY" and "3x all star" per my request. The address used was a different address than the one in the database. I believe this is his new address 3801 East Crest Dr #6401 Bryan, TX 77802. He also enclosed a small paper thanking me for the request and telling me his prices $6 for signature and $2 for a inscription. Very happy with this success! |
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