Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
ryan ochoa - 05. Januar 2013 :razz: :razz: :razz: when i came home from school yesterday i looked in the mailbow there was a big orange envolpe that said my name i was like who was this i opened it it was ryan ochoa from pair of kings i was so home the adress that i used was po box 703 wildomar ca 92595 i sened i t to him on september 4 2012 and iwould like to ask if any recived a autograph from selena gomez or debby ryan who lives in new york and how much time did it take |
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Ryan Ochoa Success!! (1st one in 2013!) - 05. Januar 2013 [iToday, I received my Ryan Ochoa autograph!! Finally!! I've sent a letter, Q&A in a SASE to the address in the database..[/i
When: [iOctober 15, 2012[/i
Received: [i January 04, 2013 [/i
What I Got: [iA Signed photo & my Questionnaire back (answered)!!    |
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