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Chris Ayres
Chris Ayres
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Auch: Christopher Owen Ayres Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 16. Mai 1965 Autogramm-galerie von Chris Ayres
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Rückkopplung: 24/12/2015 >>>


Chris Ayres
12058 Sela Ln
Houston, TX 77072-3341
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

12058 Sela Ln
Houston, TX 77072-3341
Vereinigte Staaten

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Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Chris Ayres schickt?:

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Chris Ayres (voice of DBZ's Frieza) SUCCESS!! - 03. Januar 2016
Major success here, even talked to Mr. Ayres. Real nice guy! Sent 12/18/15 received back 12/24/15. Used address in database. He did, however, request that the address we have here be removed as it is his Parent's address and he'd rather them not get his fanmail. I was lucky to have gotten it back quickly as he was visiting for the holidays. Chris Ayres 12058 Sela Ln Houston, TX 77072-3341 USA Inscription reads: "Love + Laughter Always" Uploaded with Uploaded with

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Chris Ayres(Frieza in DBZ KAI)AWESOME SUCCESS!!! - 29. Juli 2011
I sent a request to Chris Ayres who did a awesome job as Frieza in DBZ KAI on July 14th, i sent it to his home address, & on July 25th, i got everything back signed & personalized with a typed letter that was typed for me, he apologized in the letter for not writing the letter as his handwriting is terrible, & also said that the quote he wrote on my dvd cover is his favorite line in any show he has done, in case you anybody cannot read the quote, it is a quote from Frieza in DBZKai it is "Once again my dreams of immortality have been crushed upon the shores of your incompetence" & then wrote Love & Laughter always, he explains why in the letter, i would prefer not to post the letter as it is personal. Sent:7/14/11 2 dbz cards & a dbzkai dvd cover Rec:7/25/11 everything signed & personalized, personal letter cards ... es002.jpg/ Dvd Cover ... es001.jpg/

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