Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Tom Colicchio schickt?:
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Celebrity Chef "Tom Colicchio" success - 15. Dezember 2011 He co-founded the Gramercy Tavern in New York City, and formerly served as a co-owner and as the executive chef. He is also the founder of Craft and Colicchio & Sons restaurants. Colicchio is the recipient of five James Beard Foundation Medals for cooking accomplishments. He has been the head judge on every season of the Bravo reality TV show Top Chef. Colicchio has been a featured chef on Great Chefs Television. Colicchio won the 2010 Outstanding Chef award from the James Beard Foundation.He also won an Emmy award in 2010 for Outstanding Reality-Competition Programming as an executive producer of Top Chef, on which he also appears. Colicchio appeared in the fifth episode of the first season of HBOs Treme as himself along with fellow chefs Eric Ripert, David Chang and Wylie Dufresne. He made another cameo in Season 2 alongside Ripert. In 2011, he did a cameo in the Season 23 premiere episode of The Simpsons, The Falcon and the Dohman, The Smurfs (film).
mailed photo 12-2-11
received signed 8x10 photo 12-9-11
Tom Colicchio
c/o Craft
43 E. 19th Street
New York, NY 10003
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/36 ... 001pk.jpg/ |   |
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Top Chef's Tom Colicchio success - 11. Mai 2011 Sent letter and large SASE on 4/23/11 to
Tom Colicchio
c/o Craft
43 E 19th St
New York NY 10003
rcvd signed/personalized color 8x10 on 5/5/11
envelope blank except for my SASE
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Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar