Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Paul Teutul Jr. success! - 15. Dezember 2012 sent 2 pics, a sase, and a lor to: Paul Teutel jr.
21 stone castle rd.
rock tavern, NY 12575
sent on october 26, 2012
recieved on dec. 14, 2012 |
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Paul Teutul Jr. (American Choppers) SUCCESS - 20. Juni 2012 I sent 3 trading cards with OCC bikes on them to Paul, and I got it back in about a month or so. Interestingly, he signed the BACK of the two cards with his Dad and him on it, but he signed the FRONT of the one with the Black Widow on it. I'm more puzzled then upset! The address I used is the one in the database. |
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Paul Teutul Jr. - 25. Juni 2011 Yesterday I got back my photo I sent to Paul Teutul Jr. Signed by him and someone else but I cant tell who it was. It took about three weeks and I sent it to the Address in the data base.
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