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Mikhail Kalashnikov
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Rückkopplung: 23/7/2011 >>>


Mikhail Kalashnikov
3, Derjabin Pr.
Udmurt Republic, 426006

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3, Derjabin Pr.
Udmurt Republic, 426006
Fone: +011 7 341 251-22-83
Fax: +011 7 341 249-56-39
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Lieutenant General Mikhail Kalashnikov success x3 - 23. Juli 2011
see the photos and the envelope here: the return address is on the envelope sent SAE, 1 $ and 3 photos to Lieutenant General Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, soviet inventor. In 1944, he designed a gas-operated carbine for the new 7.62x39 mm cartridge; this weapon, influenced by the M1 Garand rifle, lost out to the new Simonov carbine which would be eventually adopted as the SKS; but it became a basis for his entry in an assault rifle competition in 1946. His winning entry, the "Mikhtim" (so named by taking the first letters of his name and patronymic Mikhail Timofeyevich) became the prototype for the development of a family of prototype rifles. This process culminated in 1947, when he designed the AK-47 (standing for Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947). In 1956, the AK-47 assault rifle became the Soviet Army's standard issue rifle and went on to become Kalashnikov's most famous invention. Quote: "I would prefer to have invented a machine that people could use and that would help farmers with their work — for example a lawnmower." Despite estimates of some 100 million AK-47 assault rifles circulating, General Kalashnikov claims he has not profited and that he only receives a state pension. He does however own 30% of a German company Marken Marketing International (MMI), based in Solingen, that revamps trademarks and produces merchandise carrying the Kalashnikov name, such as vodka, umbrellas and knives. One of the items is a knife named for the AK-74. received all 3 photos back after 1 month

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