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Josh Martin
Josh Martin
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Rückkopplung: 22/3/2012 >>>


Josh Martin
Funimation Entertainment
1200 Lakeside Pkwy
Building 1
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Vereinigte Staaten

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Mehr informationen:

Funimation Entertainment
1200 Lakeside Pkwy
Building 1
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Vereinigte Staaten
Fone: (972) 355-0700
Offizielle seite
Karte vergrößern

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Josh Martin Success! - 23. März 2012
Yesterday, I got my index card back in the mail, signed by Josh Martin, the voice actor for Fat Buu and Kid Buu from Dragonball Z. The address I used was Josh Martin, c/o Funimation Entertainment, 1200 Lakeside Parkway, Flower Mound, TX 75028. The request was sent on January 23, 2012 (59 days total). Here is the index card: ... incard.jpg Here is the return envelope: ... velope.jpg (The return address was written by Mr. Martin as "Buu, Funimation, TX USA" <img src= ) Happy Hunting! - The Hancock Hunter (

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Josh Martin(Fat/Kid Buu in DBZ, voice actor) 2nd Success!! - 21. Dezember 2011
I got in contact with Josh Martin, who is best known as Fat & Kid Majin Buu & asked if i could send a few things to him, he was kind enough to oblige & told me to send to Funimation. Very nice guy to sign again! Sent: 11/10/11, 2 dbz cards, 2 dbz booklets, LOR, SASE. Rec:12/19/11, everything signed, booklets signed twice! Address:Josh Martin C/O Funimation Productions 1200 Lakeside Pkwy Flower Mound TX 75028 pics Cards(1 says "grrrr" 2nd says "me eat you up!" ... 170nr.jpg/ DBZ Season 8 Fat Buu booklet("Kyle, Make Buu Happy!" signed it Buu on the outside instead of signing it Josh Martin) Inside("Thanks for the support, now give Buu candy!"): DBZ Season 9 Kid Buu booklet("ahhhgh") Inside ("Buu! Hehe"): ... 174na.jpg/

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Josh Martin(Fat Buu & Kid Buu in DBZ) Great success! - 19. Oktober 2011
I have 4 new DBZ successes to add to my Dragon Ball Z collection to post, this one i thought was long gone, usually it does not take to long to get a reply from Funimation, usually around a month, this is the longest wait so far(that i have received back) at around 3 months. Very happy to add Josh to my collection as he played 2 of the major villains of the series Fat Buu & Kid Buu. Sent:July 18th, Lor, Sase, 1 fold open DBZ card Rec:October 18th, card signed, along with a hand written letter thanking me!(I dont like posting the letters/notes i get back.) Address: Josh Martin Funimation Entertainment 1200 Lakeside Pkwy Flower Mound, TX 75028 card(it says "Me eat you up" Fat Buus catchphrase) ... 111id.jpg/ Let me know what you guys think!

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