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Gordon Lightfoot
Gordon Lightfoot
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Geburtstag: 17. November 1938 Autogramm-galerie von Gordon Lightfoot
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Rückkopplung: 20/8/2018 >>>


Gordon Lightfoot

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Singer/Songwriter Gordon Lightfoot - SUCCESS! - 21. August 2018
Another amazing addition to my autographed deck of playing cards! Canadian Singer/Songwriter Gordon Lightfoot, creator of classics like "If You Could Read My Mind", "Sundown", and (my favorite) "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald". Sent LOR, SASE, and playing card on 7/18/18 to: Gordon Lightfoot Early Morning Productions, Inc. 1365 Yonge Street Suite 207 Toronto, ON M4T 2P7 Canada Received the card back on 8/20 with a beautifully legible autograph!. And for those interested in how to send autograph requests to Canada, I purchased Canadian international stamps from the Canadian Post website ( I bought eight stamps (and had to pay to have them mailed to me) so it will come out to about $2.00 per request, which isn't that bad. Uploaded with ###://

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Gordon Lightfoot - 18. Juli 2018
Sent him 2 8 by 10s on 2-20-18 & got them back singed on 2-20-18 & got them signed back on 3-19-18. Here's the addy I used: C/o Early Morning Productions, Inc. 1365 Yonge Street, Suite 207 Toronto, ONT., M4T 2P7 Canada

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Gordon Lightfoot Singer songwriter - 21. September 2015
Gordon Meredith Lightfoot, Jr. CC OOnt (born November 17, 1938) is a Canadian singer-songwriter who achieved international success in folk, folk-rock, and country music, and has been credited for helping define the folk-pop sound of the 1960s and 1970s. He has been referred to as Canada's greatest songwriter and internationally as a folk-rock legend. Lightfoot's songs, including "For Lovin' Me", "Early Morning Rain", "Steel Rail Blues", "Ribbon of Darkness" a number one hit on the U.S. country chart with Marty Robbins's cover in 1965 and the 1967 Detroit riot-generated "Black Day in July" brought him international recognition in the 1960s. He experienced chart success in Canada with his own recordings, beginning in 1962 with the #3 hit "(Remember Me) I'm the One". Lightfoot's recordings then made an impact on the international music charts as well in the 1970s, with songs such as "If You Could Read My Mind" (1970) (#5 on the US chart), "Sundown" (1974), "Carefree Highway" (1974), "Rainy Day People" (1975), all reaching #1, and "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" (1976) (#2). Sent 2 photos on 3 Sep and got both back signed on 21 Sep.. I had sent him U.S. money for return postage and he sent it back.. He paid for the postage.. Mr. Gordon Lightfoot Early Morning Productions, Inc. 1365 Yonge Street Suite 207 Toronto, ON M4T 2P7 Canada

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