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Bill Buckner
Bill Buckner
Ehemalige baseballspieler Forum
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Geburtstag: 14. Dezember 1949 Autogramm-galerie von Bill Buckner
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Rückkopplung: 21/5/2019 >>>


Bill Buckner

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Bill Buckner R.I.P. - 28. Mai 2019
Mailed Bill Buckner 4 cards and a check a few weeks ago. Received all 4 signed LAST WEEK with hit total 2715 written on the back as requested. Shocked and heartbroken to hear he passed away today. I wonder if I was the last request he had for autographs in the mail? I was putting off mailing to him for months and finally got them mailed to him a few weeks ago. While his is a common auto these 4 cards are meaningful to me considering the timing of them being signed. Very special in my collection. I always thought and heard he was a good man in addition to a great player. Glad to see so many nice articles written about him today echoing those thoughts. To bad one bad play overshadows a wonderful career. I hope in time future gens will be taught what a great player he was. He actually was a great base stealer the first half of his career. Rest in peace classy MLB man. Your career is worthy of HOF mention and discussion.

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Bill Buckner FAILURE/SUCCESS/FAILURE 12/31/18 - 06. Januar 2019
Originally sent LOR, SASE, and 81 Donruss card to the Wild Horse Lane, Boise, ID address on 12/5/18. It was returned 12/18/18, with a yellow 'Return to Sender' sticker on the front. Had a forwarding address of W. Garfield, St., Boise, ID. Sent LOR, SASE, and 81 Donruss card to that address 12/22/18. Got response 12/31/18, card not signed, and yellow Post-It Note which read, "Autographs are $10". So, first attempt, bad address, FAILURE. Second attempt, correct address, SUCCESS. But didn't realize he charged $10 for autographs, so outcome was FAILURE.

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MLB Bill Buckner Success - 23. Oktober 2016
Sent a LOR, SASE, 2 TCs, & $20 to : Mr. William 'Bill' Buckner 4405 E Wild Horse Ln Boise, ID 83712 Sent : 9/29/16 Received : 10/15/16 From prior letter, found out he charges $10 per autograph. ... qje4l.html

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