Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Alexey Leonov schickt?:
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Astronaut Alexey Leonov SUCCESS - 21. Juli 2015 today i've got a nice autographed photo from alexey leonov. he is a former russian astronaut and he was the first man that walked in space.
i sent this letter on the 7.5.2015
and reived it on the 21.7.2015
this is a photo of the enevelope and the signed image:
i used the address from the database. if you do not have 'russian stamps' then buy an international reply coupon. and the best thing was that he send it back and payed himself for the stamp.
Cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, first human in a space walk x 5 - 08. Juli 2012 see the signed photos here:
http://autographvip.blogspot.ro/2012/06 ... eonov.html
sent LOR, SASE, 5photos to an address in Moscow in 10 May and receive all 5 photos back signed one month later
the address on the envelope:
27 Kalanchevskaya Street
Moscow 107078
Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov is a retired Soviet/Russian cosmonaut and Air Force Major General who, on 18 March 1965, became the first human to conduct an extra-vehicular activity (EVA) also known as a space walk