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Barry Cryer
Barry Cryer
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Geburtstag: 23. Marz 1935 Autogramm-galerie von Barry Cryer
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Rückkopplung: 13/12/2014 >>>


Barry Cryer

Ein problem mit dieser adresse?

Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Barry Cryer schickt?:

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Barry Cryer - 100% fake - opinions needed though! - 13. Dezember 2014
Just received this in the post. NEVER heard of the guy. Therefore NEVER wrote to him. I've googled him and his autograph looks nothing like what I received! (Here's his actual: ... RDS266.htm) ! It was postmarked from North & West Yorkshire, so whoever sent me it is based there. The only celebrity I've written to in that area recently is Laura Norton via her private address, which was given to me by a user on here. I received a reply from Laura, which I am too now doubting: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=337738 But to me, the writing matches "Laura" and is exactly the same pen? So I'm now thinking that Laura's private address wasn't even Laura's house and was just a scheme by a pathetic user on here to get people's addresses, and is in fact the person who gave me the address to begin with sending me this Barry Cryer fake. What do you guys think? Here's what I received today. Please compare this to my possibly now fake Laura success above, as well as your own Laura Norton autograph if you got one recently from the private address. Whoever sent me this, you've wasted your own paper, money and time, because it went straight in the bin!

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Barry Cryer bizarre success!! - 03. November 2014
Wrote to Barry Cryer about 3-4 weeks ago, received reply today BUT its a bit of an odd one!! The picture I got looks like it it was found at the bottom of a box in the garage! Its bent, tattered and has a burn across the top. Now dont get me wrong, I actually think its really funny because its obviously pretty personal (i.e. its one of Barrys own pics, not a standard agency pics) but it was one of the most bizarre successes to date <img src= - Uploaded with ###:// Sent to: Barry Cryer C/O David Foster All-Electric Productions PO Box 1805, Andover Hampshire SP10 3ZN

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Barry Cryer Success - 29. Februar 2012
Wrote to Barry through the contact on his website on 29th Jan 2012 and after only 12 days got a dedicated autograph back, well please. Address used: Barry Cryer C/O David Foster All-Electric Productions PO Box 1805, Andover Hampshire SP10 3ZN Photo: -

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