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Suzanne Collins
Suzanne Collins
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Geburtstag: 10. August 1962 Autogramm-galerie von Suzanne Collins
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Rückkopplung: 11/3/2013 >>>


Suzanne Collins
Scholastic Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3999
Vereinigte Staaten

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Mehr informationen:

Scholastic Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3999
Vereinigte Staaten
Fone: (212) 343-6100
Offizielle seite
Karte vergrößern

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Suzanne Collins (THG Author) Success! - 11. März 2013
I will not give out the address. If I could find it from doing some searching, you can find it. Sent: End of June 2012 What I sent: LOR (almost 3 pages), my copy of THG, my book jacket for Catching Fire, $8 cash, and a padded self addressed envelope Received: March 11, 2013 What I received: my book and book jacket both signed and personalized with my $8 back It didnt take me that long to find her address. I sent it to her private home address. I honestly was not sure if it was her address and I wasnt expecting it back. I sent a padded envelope to be sent back to me that I wrote my address on. The return address looks to be written by her and it is the Scholastic address: Scholastic 557 Broadway New York, NY 10012 I seriously am having trouble typing this because when I opened my mailbox up today this was the last thing I expected. I saw the envelope and said to myself "..if this is what I think it is....." and I saw my hand writing I knew it was but when I saw the Scholastic return address I thought that it probably would just be returned to me with that stupid letter from Scholastic. But - it wasnt: THG: - Catching Fire (the "To Caimen" is on the top of the jacket) : - Envelope: -

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Suzanne Collins (THG) Failure - 23. Mai 2012
Sent: 05.04.2012 - LOR, SASE, book Received: 05.23.2012 - Publicity letter, SASE, book unsigned Used the Scholastic address in the database DO NOT SEND THERE! Im bummed, as this is my first ever rejection, but I knew there was a high chance it was coming. Thank you il0veseamushp for mentally preparing me. Haha. At least they took my handwritten letter. Genuinely happy about that! I put an awesome sticker on it. x) [Photos removed for personal reasons.

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Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games - REJECTED! - 23. Mai 2012
Just got home to find a package in my room. It was from Scholastic INC . Only thing that I would be expecting would be my Hunger Games book that I sent to Ms. Collins to autograph. Well I was right. It was my book and my SASE back.. with a rejecting letter saying they’ll giver her my letter but returned my book as she cant sign it for too many request. Guess I’ma spend another $5 sending it to her again. -

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