Aoibheann McCaul First Call Management Beauparc House Ballydowd Lucan Co. Dublin Irland
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First Call Management (Talentmanagement-Firma) Beauparc House Ballydowd Lucan Co. Dublin Irland Fone: +353 (0)1 6798401 Fax: +353 (0)1 6798393 Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Aoibheann McCaul (Fair City) Success - 06. April 2013 Aoibheann McCaul is an Irish actress. Although she has made several appearances, these days she is best known for her role as Caoimhe Dillon in the Irish TV soap opera Fair City.
Her character, Caoimhe Dillon, is one of three sisters of a family from Kilkenny who move to Carrigstown to start a new life. Since they moved into Carrigstown in late 2011, Caoimhe, at the time was the most rebellious and often troublesome member of the Dillon family. Despite a conviction for grand theft, Caoimhe still had a penchant for dating criminals, most notably Declan 'Decco' Bishop, whom she had falsely imprisoned in a storage area where he and his brothers kept stolen goods. It led to Decco been jailed for three months for failing to turn up at a court hearing. Caoimhe has since turned over a new leaf and she and her sister Nessa run a pub in Carrigstown called 'The Station'.
Sent 1 LOR, SASE and 5x7 photo to Ms. McCaul on 21/12/2012. On 04/04/2013, I received a different photo - an 8x10 version of the photo I sent - It was signed and she wrote a letter on the back of the photo. This ranks as one of the best replies I ever got from any star, Irish or international.
Address used was:
Aoibheann McCaul
c/o Fair City Office
Dublin 4
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Aoibheann McCaul (Fair City) Success! - 20. Juli 2012 Aoibhinn McCaul is an Irish actress best known for her role as the often troublesome Caoimhe Dillon in the RTÃ soap opera Fair City. Her character was best known for her kleptomania and her love affair with a local criminal. These days the character is more well behaved.
Sent: some time in May 2012
Received: photo co-signed by her and two other cast members on plus unsigned photo card on 19/07/2012
Address used:
Aoibhinn McCaul
c/o Fair City Office
Dublin 4
Ireland |
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