Sharon Marshall Curtis Brown Group Ltd. Cunard House 15 Regent Street London, SW1Y 4LR Vereinigtes Königreich
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Sharon Marshall / Stephen Mulhern / Alison Hammond Success! - 19. September 2012 This morning, I recieved one envelope, with 3 successes! Pretty cool
Sent: email to thismorning at itv.com
When: 22nd August 2012
Recieved: signed photo from Sharon Marshall, Stephen Mulhern, and Alison Hammond
When: 19th September 2012
Id originally asked for a few other presenters too, but I havent recieved them yet... So fingers crossed, they may be on their way
Sadly, I do NOT have the envelope.
Sharon Marshall:
Stephen Mulhern:
Alison Hammond:
Beyond happy with these, as I didnt know they were going to be arriving! was a surprise! not only that, but ive been a huge fan of Alison since she was in Big Brother all those years ago
- Daniel | ![](http://www.fanmail.biz/autographs/114177/268665/Sharon Marshall_1.jpg) ![](http://www.fanmail.biz/autographs/114177/268665/Sharon Marshall_2.jpg) ![](http://www.fanmail.biz/autographs/114177/268665/Sharon Marshall_3.jpg) |
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Sharon Marshall Success!! (This Morning) - 21. August 2012
Sent: 7th August 2012
Recieved: 20th August 2012
Sent: Email to thismorning at itv.com
Recieved: Signed and dedicated photo of Sharon.
Strange thing is, on the back of the envelope it has little notes of Sharon, P&H, Stephen and PU, but only recieved Sharons, Hollys and Phils, dont know why Stephen mulherns there and dont know what PU stands for!
| ![](http://www.fanmail.biz/autographs/114177/263802/Sharon Marshall_1.jpg) ![](http://www.fanmail.biz/autographs/114177/263802/Sharon Marshall_2.jpg) |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Sharon Marshall email Success - 07. August 2012 Sent: July 30, 2012
Received: August 7, 2012
I sent an email to ITV last month, and they sent me this autographd photo.
email used:
thismorning at itv.com
- | ![](http://www.fanmail.biz/autographs/114177/261612/Sharon Marshall_1.jpg) |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 6 kommentare