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Martin Stephens
Martin Stephens
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Geburtstag: 19. Juli 1948 Autogramm-galerie von Martin Stephens
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Rückkopplung: 20/1/2016 >>>


Martin Stephens
PAST Projects
26 Anthony Crescent
DE24 0GA
Vereinigtes Königreich

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PAST Projects
26 Anthony Crescent
DE24 0GA
Vereinigtes Königreich
Offizielle seite
Anmerkungen: Do not use this address for autograph requests.
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Martin Stephens - 20. Januar 2016
Sent to Martin Stephens about 2 weeks ago to his address, and last week I got my photo back signed and a typed signed letter too Martin Stephens PAST Projects 26 Anthony Crescent Alvaston Derby DE24 0GA UK

Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Classic actor Martin Stephens success !! - 04. April 2015
Dear friends and fans ,here you have a beautiful success from child actor Martin Stephens ,a lovely signed and inscribed pict from Village of the Damned ,with actors Barbara Shelley and George Sanders ...i really like this absolutely wonderful movie !!!! ... xwgwb.html Martin Stephens (born 19 July 1948) is an English former child actor, best known for his performances in the films Village of the Damned and The Innocents. Stephens appeared in fourteen films between 1954 and 1966, then chose to drop out of acting and made his adult career outside the profession

Kommentare hinzufügen | 3 kommentare
classic actor Martin Stephens success - 04. November 2014
Dear friends ,just recieved today an amazing success from this amazing child and juvenile actor ,one of the most important in the late 50,s and 60,s ,i really love him in Village of the Damned and also in The Innocents with Deborah Kerr but all his films are terrific,at least for me he is a movie icon and a very hard one for every collection Martin Stephens (born 19 July 1948) is an English former child actor, best known for his performances in the films Village of the Damned and The Innocents. Stephens appeared in fourteen films between 1954 and 1966, then chose to drop out of acting and made his adult career outside the profession Sent 4 photos and LOR Recieved my 4 photos signed and inscribed plus a note Just sent to his private address

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