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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Nuala Carey - TV Weathergirl - Pioneering Success! - 18. Dezember 2013 Nuala Carey is a highly popular weather forecaster who hosts weather updates on Ireland's RTÃ network. She is also one of the hosts of the National Lottery draws and is also the relief host on the Lottery game show Telly Bingo.
On 11/12/13, I sent one letter and three Christmas Cards - the cards were for Nuala and her two colleagues, Audrey McGrath and Helen Curran. I also sent a special present to Nuala in the form of a winning scratchcard which entitles her to a free box of chocolates. On 17/12/13, I received a free 2014 calendar plus a small note of thanks.
Address used was:
Nuala Carey
c/o RTÃ Weather
Dublin 4
This was a pioneering success, as this also involved sending two other celebrities mail at the same time in the same envelope, for which there was no additional postage charges. In addition, the two Christmas Cards sent to Audrey McGrath and Helen Curran are also the first items of mail sent to a celebrity that were sent without the need for stamps, an address or a return address, as they were included in the main envelope that was been sent to Nuala Carey. Another pioneering moment! |
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Nuala Carey - Irish TV Weathergirl - Success - 16. Januar 2013 Nuala Carey is an Irish TV weathergirl and celebrity. She is seen on a regular basis hosting weather bulletins on Ireland's RTÃ Television network. She first came to prominence as a traffic reporter for AA Roadwatch, providing traffic updates for 2FM and other stations. She later joined the RTÃ Weather team as a forecaster.
She also hosts, on certain days, the National Lottery Lotto draws. She also appeared in a TV talent show as a singer.
Sent Ms. Carey 1 LOR, SASE and Christmas Greeting Card on 21/12/2012. On 14/1/2013, I received my photo signed plus a signed 2013 calendar.
Address used was:
Nuala Carey
c/o RTÃ Weather
Dublin 4
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