Patrick Gilmore The Characters Talent Agency Ltd. #200 - 1505 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 3Y4 Kanada
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Mehr informationen:
The Characters Talent Agency Ltd. (Schauspielagentur) #200 - 1505 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 3Y4 Kanada Fone: (604) 733-9800 Fax: (604) 733-6000 Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Patrick Gilmore Great Success (SG:U) Plus a bonus! - 25. Januar 2013 Okay so I sent to Patrick several months ago. I remember when I went to his agencies website a few months later (I think checking the address for someone else), it said they had a fire and things got destroyed, set things back, etc. But today I got a really great response in the mail. I opened it up and this is what I saw:
Sent: Summer 2012 I think
What I sent: LOR, SASE, $2 US cash, 1 picture
Received: January 25, 2013
What I received: my picture signed, a note from him, and a bonus picture...
Address used:
Patrick Gilmore
c/o: Kirk Talent Agencies, Inc.
Suite 102 - 196 West 3rd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y - 1E9
Now for the bonus thing. I had wrote to Louis Ferreira who plays Col. Young as well but at a different address around the same time. I saw my picture, and was happy. Saw the note where he apologized for the wait because of the fire but he also said: "Hope Col. Young & I made up for it." I was confused until saw another piece of paper inside which was this:
Picture of everything:
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