Barbara Broccoli Eon Productions Eon House 138 Piccadilly London, W1V 9FH Vereinigtes Königreich
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Eon Productions (Filmproduktionsfirma) Eon House 138 Piccadilly London, W1V 9FH Vereinigtes Königreich Fone: +44 (0)207 4937953 Fax: +44 (0)207 4081236
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Barbara Broccoli (James Bond Producer) SUCCESS! - 23. September 2024 I sent a letter, SASE and photo on July 1st and today I received it back signed along with a signed photo of Daniel Craig!
Address used:
Ms. Barbara Broccoli
c/o Eon Productions
Eon House
138 Picadilly
As a huge Bond fan I am so happy to receive this success! |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Barbara Broccoli - 25. Januar 2013 On my 50th birthday December 18th, I went to see Skyfall in the movie theatre as a way to celebrate my birthday. I'm a huge fan of James Bond movies, and it seem fitting that both the movie and myself turn 50 this year. After my day of celebrating my birthday I sent a letter to the producers of the James Bond series Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson. On January 21st, I got a birthday reply from Barbara Broccoli on my index card I sent her. She had also sent a slip of paper that said complements of Eon Productions. This is the neatest autograph I have had this year, probably in a long while.
Address is: Eon Productions
Eon House
138 Picadilly
W1V 9FH |
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