Carol Merrill Hatos-Hall Productions 519 North Arden Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3507 Vereinigte Staaten
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Hatos-Hall Productions (Filmproduktionsfirma) 519 North Arden Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3507 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: (310) 274-9446 Fax: Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
model "Carol Merrill" success - 17. Februar 2013 Was the model for the television game show Lets Make a Deal during the shows original run between 1963 and 1977. While on Lets Make a Deal, Merrill would model the various prizes, present money to contestants, and perform various other tasks as an assistant to host Monty Hall. On Lets Make a Deal, Merrill was frequently referred to by Monty Hall by her full name, and thus became one of the first game show models to be known as such, rather than the customary first-name-only naming convention used by such shows as The Price Is Right. This allowed Merrill to gain wider recognition than other game show models of the time, and her celebrity status has led to many guest appearances on talk shows such as the Late Show with David Letterman, Good Morning America, and Geraldo.
mailed photo 11-7-12
received signed 8x10 photo 1-17-13
Carol Merrill
c/o Hatos-Hall Productions
519 North Arden Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3507
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