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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Geoffrey Edelsten & Daryn Cresswell successes - 18. September 2013 Daryn Creswell is a former AFL footballer who played 244 games & kicked 208 goals for the Sydney Swans. Hes a member of the Swans Team of the Century.
Daryn signed a bookplate for his autobiography at the following address (took about 2 weeks):
Palm Beach Currumbin AFC
PO Box 108
QLD 4221
For more info about Daryn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryn_Cresswell
NB Daryns signature seems to have changed a bit over the years.
Geoffrey Edelsten is a millionaire doctor and entrepreneur (among many other things!) who was the first private owner of an AFL football club (the Sydney Swans).
Dr Edelsten signed a bookplate for his autobiography at the following address (took about 1 week):
PO Box 12900, ABeckett St
Victoria 8006
For more info about Dr Edelsten: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Edelsten |   |
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