Matt Magnone P.O. Box 44334 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Vereinigte Staaten |
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(Postfach) P.O. Box 44334 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: Fax:
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Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Matt Magnone schickt?:
Falls Sie ein Autogramm haben möchten, lesen die Richtlinien unten. Falls Sie nur einen Brief an obige Adresse schicken und nichts zurück haben möchten, können Sie aufhören zu lesen!
Falls Sie in den Vereinigte Staaten leben, schicken Sie einen ordentlich gestempelten und an sich selbst adressierten Umschlag (Mindestgröße 11x22cm) mit Ihrem brief und ein foto.
Sie können noch ein stück karton hineintun, damit das foto nicht geknickt wird beim verschicken und auch auf den umschlag schreiben "Nicht Knicken".
Falls Sie nicht in den Vereinigte Staaten, legen Sie noch eine amerikanische briefmarke. Sie können amerikanische briefmarken kaufen hier. Schicken Sie Ihren brief und warten. Im durchschnitt vergehen 3 monate und mehr wartezeit auf eine antwort.
Weitere Informationen zu brief international aus den Vereinigte Staaten erhalten Sie Hier.
Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Matt3756 Success (Matt Magnone) - 29. Oktober 2013 I received a success from Matt Magnone! On September 14th 2013 I mailed a self-addressed stamped envelope to
PO Box 44334
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
And received a signed photo that he provided in my self-addressed envelope on October 22nd 2013. He also responded to a note that I had written inside the envelope. Fantastic success!
I was featured in a Matts Mail video, he could not read my signature and pronounced my name wrong, but its still awesome that I was on!
Scanned images can be found at
http://petersautographs.blogspot.com/20 ... ccess.html
~Peters Autographs
PetersAutographs.blogspot.com | |
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Matt Magnone Success - 07. September 2013 I just got back an autograph from Matt Magnone! I sent a self addressed prepaid manila envelope with a fan letter and an 8x10 photo to:
PO Box 44334
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
However, I received a 4x6 of a different photo of him with an authentic signature. I am not quite sure why he did not sign the photo that I sent him, as I know that he reads through all of his fan mail in his Matts Mail videos on YouTube.com/Matt3756. I have not been on Matts Mail yet, but I hopefully will be in the future. The manila envelope was sent on August 24th 2013, and his envelope that he sent back was received on September 7th 2013. It did not take him long at all to reply!
As the manila envelope was never returned, it was sent in an envelope. I realized that the address and return address on the envelope were in his handwriting, as I realized that the letters matched his print, which is really amazing.
Photos can be found at:
http://petersautographs.blogspot.com/20 ... -matt.html
I got on Matts Mail! I sent it under the name Arnold, BTW. Its really awesome though, because Im the first one and he reads almost all of my letter and shows my drawing! He spends over a minute talking about me!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiirqEfT ... uHaWR3OVrg
~Peters Autographs
PetersAutographs.blogspot.com | |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar