Joe Scarpati 32 Lexington Cir Marlton, NJ 08053-3860 Vereinigte Staaten |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Joe Scarpati Football - 23. Januar 2024 Joseph Henry Scarpati, Jr. (born March 5, 1943 Brooklyn, NY) is a former American football safety who played seven seasons with the Philadelphia Eagles and New Orleans Saints of the National Football League (NFL). In 1970, he spent the season with the New Orleans Saints, and was the holder for Tom Dempsey's record breaking 63-yard field goal.
Philadelphia Eagles (19641969)
New Orleans Saints (1970)
Sent him 2 cards on 9 Jan and got them back signed on 23 Jan
Mr Joe Scarpati
32 Lexington Cir
Marlton, NJ 08053 |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Joe Scarpati American Football - 05. Mai 2015 Joseph Henry Scarpati, Jr. (born March 5, 1943 in Brooklyn, New York) is a former professional American football safety in the National Football League for the Philadelphia Eagles (64-69) and the New Orleans Saints (1970). He was the holder to Tom Dempsey's record breaking 63-yard field goal November 8, 1970 . Scarpati played halfback in college football at North Carolina State University, earning second team All-ACC for football and Academic All-ACC honors in 1962 and 1963. He was selected in the thirteenth round of the 1964 AFL Draft by the Boston Patriots. He came off of a knee operation but was at full speed at the free safety position in 1969. In the 1969 season, he recorded 4 interceptions and ran a total of 54 yards. His average interception run was 13.5 yards and he scored 1 touchdown.
Sent him 2 cards on 21 Apr and got both back signed on 5 May.. He even wrote; Thank for remembrance.. on the back of my letter..
Mr. Joe Scarpati
32 Lexingon Cir.
Mariton, NY. 08053-3860 |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar