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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Kathryn Thomas - Irish TV Star - Pioneering Success! - 16. September 2014 Kathryn Thomas is an Irish television and radio personality, employed by Ireland's RTÃ. A native of Carlow, her career began with the travel programme No Frontiers, and later began to host various other programmes on the RTÃ network. In radio, she is often heard as a relief presenter for John Murray on his radio programme.
Sent Ms. Thomas 1 LOR, SASE and two photos* on 04/09/2014.
Received my two photos* signed and dedicated on 11/09/2014, after a wait of one week.
Address used was:
Kathryn Thomas
c/o The John Murray Show
RTÃ Radio One
Radio Centre
Dublin 4
*The photos I sent for signing were actual photos featured in a magazine, which I took snapshots of using a mobile phone camera. Using careful positions and ensuring that the magazine image covered the camera screen, I picked the perfect snapshot for each photo, then used the Microsoft Paint and Photo Editor systems to edit it and insert the name "Kathryn Thomas" at the top of each photo, then printed both photos. The result is simply brilliant and creative. I have given a name to this invention - "PerioPhoto". (though some of my colleagues call them "perios". A mixture of the words "periodical photograph") Like TelePhotos, this was one of my crowning achievements.
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