Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Ella McSweeney schickt?:
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Falls Sie in den Vereinigte Staaten leben, schicken Sie einen ordentlich gestempelten und an sich selbst adressierten Umschlag (Mindestgröße 11x22cm) mit Ihrem brief und ein foto.
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Ella McSweeney Unexpected 2nd Success - 05. Oktober 2014 Ella McSweeney is a presenter with RTE Television. She is one of the presenters of the Irish National Lottery draws.
This reply was a result of an attempt I sent back in November 2012.
I sent one LOR/SASE and two photos to Ms. Sweeney on 20/11/2012.
On 25/09/2014, I received my photo signed and dedicated.
I already have 2 signed TelePhoto images of Ella in my collection. This marks the first instance of normal photos and TelePhoto images of the same celebrity in my collection. Unexpected but most welcome as with many unexpected 2nd successes.
Address used was:
Ella McSweeney
c/o Ear To The Ground
Dublin 4
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Ella McSweeney - Irish TV Star - Success - 15. Juni 2014 Ella McSweeney is an Irish television presenter. She is best known as one of the four hosts of the Irish Lotto Draws, which are broadcast on Wednesday and Saturday on Ireland's RTÃ One station. In addition to that, she is one of three reporters on the rural affairs programme, Ear To The Ground.
Sent 1 LOR, SASE and 2 TelePhoto images of Ella (one of which is taken from a Lotto draw broadcast, the other from Ear To The Ground.) on 29th February.
On June 4th, I received both my photos signed, along with a postcard.
Address used was:
Ella McSweeney
c/o Ear To The Ground
Dublin 4
Sorry no scanner.
This is the second success I have had involving my TelePhoto process, the first one I got was from RTÃ newsreader Kate Egan (which was the one that started it all.)
The finished results on the photos are just outstanding. And I can assure you there are more successes like this to come! |
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