Brig Owens 6902 Lupine Ln Mc Lean, VA 22101-1578 Vereinigte Staaten |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Brig Owens American Football - 08. Juni 2015 Brigman Owens (born February 16, 1943) is a former American football player in the National Football League who played defensive back for the Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Redskins. Drafted in the seventh round of the 1965 NFL Draft by the Dallas Cowboys, who converted him to safety. He spent most of the year on the team's taxi squad, before being traded the next year along with Jake Kupp and Mitch Johnson, to the Washington Redskins in exchange for Jim Steffen and a fifth round draft choice. He remained with the Redskins until he retired after the 1977 season. He played a significant role in leading the 1972 squad to Super Bowl VII and had a good performance in the game, recording a key interception from Miami Dolphins quarterback Bob Griese in the end zone during the second half.
One of his more memorable performances occurred on a 1966 regular season game against the New York Giants, where he scored two defensive touchdowns: a 62-yard interception return and a 62-yard fumble return. Washington ended up winning the game 72-41. To this day it is the highest scoring game in NFL history.
Owens holds the record for most interception return yards in Redskins history (686) and is second all-time for the Redskins in career interceptions (36). Three of his interceptions were returned for touchdowns. He also recovered ten fumbles, returning them for 143 yards and two touchdowns.
Sent him a card and a photo on 20 May and got both back signed on 8 Jun
Mr Brig Owens
6902 Lupine LN.
McLean, VA 22101-1578 |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Brig Owens (fmr Redskins safety) success - 13. November 2014 sent him a trading card back on 10-28-14 and got it back signed today 11-12-14. Here's the addy I used:
6902 Lupine Ln.
Mclean, VA. 22101 |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar