Karin Konoval Trisko Talent Management Inc. 234 West 3rd Avenue Unit #320 Vancouver, BC V5Y 0P3 Kanada
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Trisko Talent Management Inc. (Schauspielagentur) 234 West 3rd Avenue Unit #320 Vancouver, BC V5Y 0P3 Kanada Fone: (604) 637-7009 Fax: Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Karin Konoval Old Success - 09. Juni 2022 Hello, I am going through all my older successes and posting them again with my new account. No photos of the envelopes, sorry.
Karin Konoval ("War for the Planet of the Apes", etc) responded AWESOMELY. Not only did she autograph and personalize the photo I sent, but she also did the same to three of her own photos! Also wrote me an awesome letter, and sent some other things. Very very kind actress.
Trisko Talent Management Inc
1140 Homer Street
Unit 270
Vancouver BC V6B 2X6
Canada |
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Karin Konoval SUCCESS - 08. Januar 2021 I got a reply from Karin Konoval ("Rise/Dawn/War for the Planet of the Apes") today! She acted as Maurice in "Planet of the Apes", as well as a smaller role. This is my second "Planet of the Apes" success! Sent photo. She signed/personalized the photo I enclosed, as well as sending me some very cool photos of her own that she also signed and dedicated! THANK YOU SO MUCH MS KONOVAL!
The reason I post successes isn't to brag or ANYTHING like that, but as a thank you! I hope you don't mind, Ms Konoval!
Used the Trisko Talent address. |
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