Valentina Tereshkova Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre Star City, Moscow Region, 141160 Russland
Ein problem mit dieser adresse? |
Mehr informationen:
Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre () Star City, Moscow Region, 141160 Russland Fone: +7 (495) 526-34-07 Fax: +7 (495) 526-26-12 Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Valentina Tereshkova schickt?:
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Weitere Informationen zu brief international aus Russland erhalten Sie Hier.
Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Valentina Tereshkova - SUCCESS - 21. Oktober 2020 Sent 2 pictures 13x18, request on Russian, IRC and SAE. Shipping date: April 28, 2020, both pictures signed back on September 30, 2020.
Valentina Tereshkova
Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre
Star City, Moscow Region, 141160
Russian Federation
http://surfmypictures.com/image/44dbd35765d25932/jl5nl.html |  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Valentina Tereshkova Success - 01. April 2020 Sent 4x6, LOR in Russian, and SAE. Received it signed.
Send date: July 8, 2019
Receive date: January 10, 2020
Valentina Tereshkova
Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre
Star City, Moscow Region, 141160
Russian Federation
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Valentina Tereshkova (Woman-cosmonaut) success - 02. Januar 2019 Valentina Tereshkova (Woman-cosmonaut) success
The first success I want to report this year. She is the first woman to have flown in space.
I sent three 10x15 photos, a letter and an envelope with stamps and my address. I received my two autographed photos.
Sent - 29/09/2018
Received - 05/11/2018
Address used: of the Russian Duma
http://surfmypictures.com/image/395eac790f5e036d/l3az7.html |    |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar