Max Baer Jr. Address Removed
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Max Baer Jr. Response - 01. April 2023 SENT---February 10, 2023----LOR, SASE, 3 photos, Q&A card
RECIEVED---March 31, 2023----photos back unsigned, Q&A card unanswered, and a note
3456 Pueblo Way
Las Vegas, NV 89169-3337
Not the response I wanted but hey! At least they were kind enough to say something. He is 85 so I didn't get my hopes up. Hope all is well with his health.
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Max Baer Jr. failure - 21. Juli 2017 Sent: LoR, photo to be signed, SASE on June 24th, 2017
Received: Letter photo and photo back, along with printed note on July 15th, 2017
Address used:
Max Baer Jr
3456 Pueblo Way
Las Vegas, NV 89169
The note says: We are returning the materials that you sent to Max Baer Jr. for his autograph. Mr. Baer is unable to provide autographs at this time of his life. Thank you for your consideration in thinking of him.
I've received autographs from people his age or older, but 79, his age, is still rather old, so I fully understand. I'm disappointed, but I can see the reason he won't sign. The reason I'm posting this, even while there's no address for Mr. Max Baer Jr. on this website, is just to let others know that the address doesn't work and Mr. Max Baer Jr. doesn't sign.
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