Tom Kalinske Global Education Learning, Inc. 175 Fair Oaks Ln Atherton, CA 94027-3031 Vereinigte Staaten
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Global Education Learning, Inc. (Gesellschaft) 175 Fair Oaks Ln Atherton, CA 94027-3031 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: Fax:
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Tom Kalinske Success!! - 14. Dezember 2018 My first TTM success!! Sent a LOR, SASE, Sega Genesis cartridge and poster to former Sega CEO Tom Kalinske in October 2018 using the address posted on the fanmail.biz page; received his response yesterday (12/13/18), with both items signed and alongside two notes. Apparently he tried to send the SASE back a while back, but it was RTS�d since the stamp was dated 2 months ago, so he just put it in a big, grey package to send it back. Another side note is that one of the notes was written on a Sega of America-issued piece of note paper, seemingly leftover from while he was still CEO (it has his name and position in the top left, where he wrote �former� right above ). That�s pretty near.
Real happy about this one, I read �Console Wars� and I really admire Kalinske as a result so this is a great keepsake! |     |
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Tom Kalinske Failure RTS - 29. September 2018 Sent a LOR, SASE, poster and game cart of �Sonic the Hedgehog� for the Sega Genesison 9/18/18 alongside 3 other fan mails. Received Manila envelope back today (9/29/18) as a Return To Sender.
Various different little details have been written all over the envelope, including a big �RTS� and what appears to be worked-out math for pricing or something- both written in fat, black Sharpie. In pencil, �no such add� is written (probably short for address), and up in the middle to the right is says �b/c moved,� which I would assume means that Tom either isn�t at Gazillion anymore or he moved to a different office room. May resend when/if a new address is found.
Image right here: http://surfmypictures.com/image/a3605b4 ... c48fb.html |  |
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Tom Kalinske (Former President of SEGA) - 06. September 2017 I sent a pictured in a SASE to Tom Kalinkse, via employee Austin Fong at:
Austin Fong- Gazillion
4100 East 3rd Ave Suite 400
Foster City, CA
Sent on 8/16/17 and received picture back and signed on 9/5/17.
Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures
Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures |   |
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