John Claude Gummoe 6812 Apperson St Tujunga, CA 91042-2018 Vereinigte Staaten |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
John Claude Gummoe Singer - Songwriter - 06. April 2018 JOHN CLAUDE GUMMOE born in Cleveland, Ohio on August 2nd, 1938 to John Corwin Gummoe and Beulah Foy Harris. John enlisted in the Navy.. In 1960, the Silver Strands were a group of United States Navy personnel serving on the USS Jason (AR-8) based in San Diego, California. They recruited John Gummoe, who originally acted as manager, then left the Navy to become The Thundernotes. The group's membership consisted of John Claude "John" Gummoe (lead vocals), Lenny Green (vocal and lead guitar), Dave Wilson (drums and vocal), Dave Stevens (bass), and Art Eastlick (rhythm guitar). Their first and only recording, "Thunder Rhythm" (and "Payday" on the reverse of the 45rpm) was with DelFi Records of Hollywood. It was a surf-type instrumental.
Influenced by the Beach Boys, the group became more interested in vocal harmony. They recorded demos and signed with Barry De Vorzon at Valiant Records, a subsidiary of Warner Bros., and changed their name to The Cascades â inspired by a nearby box of dishwashing detergent.
Their first release, "There's a Reason", became a small regional hit; in the summer of 1962, they went to Gold Star Studios in Los Angeles to record a song Gummoe wrote in his Navy days on watch during a thunderstorm. The song was to become "Rhythm of the Rain" . Gummoe left the group in 1967 to pursue a solo career and later formed the band Kentucky Express.
Sent him 2 photos on 19 Mar and they came back signed on 6 Apr.
Mr John Claude Gummoe
6812 Apperson St.
Tujunga, CA 91042 |
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