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John Durrill
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Rückkopplung: 17/9/2018 >>>


John Durrill
1015 Winston Ct
Westlake Village, CA 91361-2060
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

1015 Winston Ct
Westlake Village, CA 91361-2060
Vereinigte Staaten

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

John Durrill Singer Songwriter - 17. September 2018
For almost five decades BMI, award winning, songwriter John Durrill's works have been recorded by more than sixty major recording artists in the US and around the world. Frank Sinatra, Bette Midler, Cher, and Everly Brothers, Chicago, Ray Charles, Merle Haggard, The Statler Brothers, Joe Williams. Sarah Vaughn, Peggy Lee and Reba are a sampling of artists whose hits have sold over fifty million singles, albums, DVD's and CD's of John's compositions. As a former high school English teacher in Oklahoma John, along with his close friend Mike Rabon, formed The Five Americans in 1963. John, Mike and the group member Norm Ezell, wrote and sang the Group's first top ten hit, "I See The Light", soon followed by the number on record "Western Union" selling over a million copies. In 1968 Durrill left the The Five Americans and joined the Internationally famous, instrumental group, "The Ventures" in Hollywood, California. Shortly after their mega hit "Hawaii 5-0", John co-wrote "Kyoto Doll" which was released by The Ventures in Japan and soon the multi million selling single became a standard recorded by scores of artists in the Far East. In March, 2008 The Ventures were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame along with John Mellencamp, Madonna, Leonard Cohen, and the Dave Clark Five. Sent him 2 photos on 22 Aug and got them back signed on 17 Sep.. He also included a guitar pick with The Ventures embossed on one side and Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Class of 2008 on the other side.. [youtubeKCktDweSRxY[/youtube [youtubeRcvo4U33_L4[/youtube Mr John Durrill 1015 Winston Ct. West Lake Village, CA 91361

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