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Marilyn Wilson
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Auch: Marilyn Wilson-Rutherford Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 06. Februar 1947 Autogramm-galerie von Marilyn Wilson
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Rückkopplung: 24/1/2020 >>>


Marilyn Wilson
797 Camino Norte
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

797 Camino Norte
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Vereinigte Staaten

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Marilyn Wilson - Rutherford Singer - 25. Januar 2020
Marilyn Wilson-Rutherford (née Rovell; born February 6, 1947) is an American singer best known as the first wife of Beach Boy Brian Wilson, and as the mother of singers Carnie Wilson and Wendy Wilson of Wilson Phillips. In the 1960s, she founded the Honeys, and after their dissolution in 1969, she founded American Spring with her sister Diane Rovell. The Honeys were an American girl group formed in Los Angeles in 1963. Their line-up consisted of Marilyn Rovell (later Marilyn Wilson-Rutherford), her sister Diane Rovell, and their friend Ginger Blake. The group were a kind of female counterpart to the Beach Boys. Bandleader Brian Wilson served as the Honeys' record producer and chief songwriter, and later married Marilyn in late 1964. After 1969, they remained mostly inactive. The Honeys (a slang term for a female surfing enthusiast) consisted of sisters Diane and Marilyn Rovell and Ginger Blake. Marilyn and Diane had met the Beach Boys when the boys performed at a Hollywood club called Pandora's Box in late 1962. Brian and Marilyn (who was still in high school) began dating, and he brought the girls into the recording studio to produce their songs ("Surfin' Down the Swanee River", "Shoot the Curl", "Pray for Surf"), and included them as backup performers on Beach Boys records. The cheerleader voices on "Be True to Your School" were performed by the Honeys, and the two groups sometimes shared the same concert bill. Sent her 2 photos (copies of album covers of The Honeys) on 2 Dec 2019 and got them back signed on 24 Jan.. They came back signed (first names only)of all 3 members of the group.. [youtubeMK-olXmzRUw[/youtube [youtubeO_Q6lepa_qc[/youtube [youtubeqq2wNSdiOYM[/youtube [youtubeScYWsKgL5Qo[/youtube Ms Marilyn Wilson - Rutherford 6236 Royer Ave Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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