Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Vincent Guastaferro schickt?:
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
vincent guastaferro and Cynthia Kania Mega success - 25. Januar 2014 Last month I sent a SASE, A LOR, an index card, and a photo to Vinny Guastaferro who is most known for playing Deputy Rick Cologne in Friday The 13 Part 6 Jason Lives and I asked him if he could also get me autograph from his wife Cynthia Kania who also had a role in the movie as well today I got my photo signed along with 4 other beautiful 8X10s all personalized by Vinny and 2 small photos signed by Cyntiha and he also included a $1.26 extra postage on my return envelope how COOL here are my 4 photos signed by Vinny and my photo signed by Cynthia and the address as wel
The address I used was
Vinny Guastaferro
Victory Theater
3326 W. Victory Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
photo #1
photo # 2
photo #3
photo # 4
photo of Cynthia
and the photo I sent is the same as the Shocker photo but not as good and the index card says Happy Friday The 13th |      |
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