Joe Brinkman 10351 NW 70 Street Chiefland, FL 32626 Vereinigte Staaten |
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(Privatanschrift) 10351 NW 70 Street Chiefland, FL 32626 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: Fax:
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Joe Brinkman (MLB Umpire) Success - 14. Juli 2020 On 6/10/2020, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to Joe Brinkman at :
Joe Brinkman
10351 NW 70th Street
Chiefland, FL 32626
On 6/10/2020, I received my baseball card back autographed, an additional autographed card of his own, and he also signed my card sleeve 🤷???.
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
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Joe Brinkman Umpire - 12. Juni 2020 Sent: 6-2-20 Recd 6-12-20
Recd 2 signed 3x5 cards one inscribed. Also recd small card signed with his records on it Use Chiefland,FL Address
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |   |
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Joe Brinkman Umpire - 01. Juni 2020 Joseph Norbert Brinkman (born April 9, 1944) is an American former umpire in Major League Baseball (MLB) who worked in the American League (AL) from 1972 to 1999 and throughout both major leagues from 2000 until his retirement during the 2006 season.
PINE TAR Incident:
Brinkman was the crew chief during the Pine Tar Incident between the Kansas City Royals and New York Yankees on July 24, 1983. In that game, George Brett of the Royals hit a two-run home run off of Yankees reliever Goose Gossage in the ninth inning, but home plate umpire Tim McClelland, after conferring with Brinkman and the rest of the crew, found that the pine tar on Brett's bat exceeded the allowed limit of 18 inches, and Brett was called out. Brett immediately ran out of the dugout toward the umpires, and disputed the call so vehemently that Brinkman had to grab him around the neck to keep him from attacking McClelland. Brinkman recovered Brett's bat, having caught a batboy attempting to hide it in the Royals' clubhouse.
He is #15 and he grabs Brett to keep him from getting to McClelland..
Sent him 2 photos on 12 May and got them back signed on 1 Jun
Mr Joe Brinkman
10351 NW 70th St.
Chiefland, FL 32626 |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar