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Hope Sandoval
Hope Sandoval
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Geburtstag: 24. Juni 1966 Autogramm-galerie von Hope Sandoval
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Rückkopplung: 3/7/2020 >>>


Hope Sandoval
226 Trinity Avenue
Kensington, CA 94708-1139
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

226 Trinity Avenue
Kensington, CA 94708-1139
Vereinigte Staaten

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Hope Sandoval Singer Songwriter Mazzy Star - 03. Juli 2020
Hope Sandoval (born June 24, 1966) is an American singer-songwriter who is the lead singer of Mazzy Star and Hope Sandoval & the Warm Inventions. Sandoval has toured and collaborated with other artists, including Massive Attack, for whom she sang "Paradise Circus" on the 2010 album Heligoland, and "The Spoils" on the 2016 single. Sandoval performed with the band Opal in the late 1980s alongside David Roback and long-time Roback collaborator Kendra Smith. After Smith's abrupt departure during a tour of the UK (hurling her guitar to the floor at the Hammersmith gig), Sandoval took over lead vocals. At the end of the tour, Roback and Sandoval began writing together and formed the alternative rock band Mazzy Star. The first Mazzy Star album, She Hangs Brightly, was released in 1990. While not a commercial success, this album did establish Mazzy Star as a band with a unique sound. The band had a surprise breakthrough hit single released in October 1993. "Fade into You" – from its second album So Tonight That I Might See – was recorded one year before it became a success. There is a continuity between the sounds and moods established on Mazzy Star's first two albums and its third, Among My Swan. Mazzy Star went on hiatus in 1997. In 2009, Sandoval confirmed in an interview with Rolling Stone that Mazzy Star was still active: "It's true we're still together. [youtubexpZBxY0aAag[/youtube [youtubeVCtqzkftXRE[/youtube [youtubeSiO_7LhPZFM[/youtube Sent her 2 photos on 18 May 2018 and got them back signed on 3 Jul 2020 Sent to.. remember this was 2 years ago Ms Hope Sandoval 226 Trinity Ave Berkely, CA 94708

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