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Gene Wilder
Gene Wilder
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Geburtstag: 11. Juni 1933 Autogramm-galerie von Gene Wilder
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Rückkopplung: 19/7/2016 >>>


Gene Wilder

Ein problem mit dieser adresse?

Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Gene Wilder schickt?:

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

Gene Wilder Success! Real or not? - 21. Juli 2016
Hi, I have been trying to get Gene Wilders signature for a long time now and I think that he is a wonderful actor and person. I have sent him letters many times but have got rejections due to his health and other situations. So, I decided to buy one instead as it was my only chance. The seller seemed very genuine and honest, he gave me tips and told me about his other signatures he had recieved. I am 95% sure that this is authentic. It is certainly not an autopen or stamp, it has been written by a black sharpie or pen. Gene was doing a play Laughter on the 23rd floor a few years ago and the seller said to me that he collects himself and bought a bunch of them for a few hundred at an auction in a theatre in London. He sold it to me for £30, excellent price! Reason being is because it is only a flyer and not a HD photograph. What do you think? I think it looks like the real deal.

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Gene Wilder Stamp Failure - 19. Juli 2016
I am a massive fan of Gene's work and have tried to get a success from him many times. I decided to send to his home address after waiting a while for things to cool down as he was getting hundreds of mail through his home. I got this stamp signature from Gene today, quite disappointed and sad. Might try next time on sending to his agency address.

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Gene Wilder Rejection - 01. Oktober 2015
Sent to Gene Wilder a couple weeks back and received this note from his assistant the other day. I figured this would happen, but thought it was worth a shot! As an actor myself, I really respect the guy and might try sending my letter without any autograph requests just to express my appreciation for his work.

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