Tony Shalhoub Stony Beach, Inc. 501 S Reino Rd. Suite 250 Newbury Park, CA 91320 Vereinigte Staaten
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Stony Beach, Inc. (Gesellschaft) 501 S Reino Rd. Suite 250 Newbury Park, CA 91320 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: Fax:
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
SUCCESS! The gracious Mr. Tony Shalhoub - 02. Oktober 2023 So I received a canister of disinfecting wipes that was "Monk" brand name, but a religious type monk as shown in the brand logo on the canister, however, that was NOT my first thought when I saw them. My first thought, was of Tony Shalhoub as Adrian Monk calling out almost constantly for someone to hand him a wipe due to his many phobias. So, I sent the canister to him with a little note explaining that and hoped he would sign it for me. Werll, in no time at all, he did exactly that and returned it to me. I am absolutely THRILLED to have what must surely be the only one of these signed by him on Earth. I will treasure it for as long as I live. Thank you so much Mr Shalhoub!
Oh, I forgot to mention that I mailed the item to him on Sept. 1st, 2023 and I received it back on Sept. 29th, 2023. FAST turnaround! |      |
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Tony Shalhoub Success - 10. September 2022 I sent Tony three 8x10s on 11/29/21 and received all three back signed and personalized today.
Address used:
Tony Shalhoub
205 South Road
Chilmark, MA 02535-2618
http://surfmypictures.com/image/f3217a239355f861/e1v8r.html |  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Tony Shalhoub success - 29. November 2021 Sent July 30 2020
Received Nov 29 2021
205 South Road
Chilmark, MA 02535-2618
http://surfmypictures.com/image/bad963caaec9a0f2/orkvo.html |  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 4 kommentare