Vikki Carr P.O. Box 780968 San Antonio, TX 78278 Vereinigte Staaten |
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(Postfach) P.O. Box 780968 San Antonio, TX 78278 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: Fax:
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Vikki Carr The Suchin Company 5609 Yolanda Avenue #570523 Tarzana, CA 91356 Vereinigte Staaten
Ein problem mit dieser adresse? |
Mehr informationen:
The Suchin Company (Künstlermanagement) 5609 Yolanda Avenue #570523 Tarzana, CA 91356 Vereinigte Staaten Fone: (818) 344-0600 Fax:
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Ms. Vikki Carr Singer awesome success! - 19. Dezember 2021 Ms. Vikki Carr is a Singer and she sang Ill Walk the Rest of the Way, The Rose and Butterfly, The Color of Love, I Only Have Eyes For You, Your Heart is Free Just Like the Wind, There I Go, and many others. She is an activist on supporting civil rights including people with disabilities rights causes to reduce discrimination and support funds to help improve diversity in the arts to make them be a part of society. Also her activism is that she support health care causes to help fund research to combat against different diseases or assist people who struggle with different health issues to get help and create a foundation to help hispanic students get help on getting access to an education.
On 8/07/2021 I mailed a letter explaining how I find Ms. Carr's sing including her activism to be very inspiring to me, a small donation, and an SASE at:
Ms. Vikki Carr
P.O. Box 780968
San Antonio, TX 78278
(took about 5 months)
On 12/18/2021 I received a personalize message on a photo of Ms. Carr
Here is the link: http://www.mattsletters.com/2021/12/vikki-carr-singer.html
http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/toves.html |   |
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Vikki Carr Success - 13. Juli 2021 Sent a letter ,photo and SASE to Vikki Carr on May 31st.
Personalized photo came back July 12th.
Used the data base address.
Vikki Carr
P.O. Box 780968
San Antonio, TX 78278
She's an awesome entertainer.
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar
Vikki Carr Success - 13. April 2020 I wrote to Ms. Carr on 05/20/2019 and received a reply on 04/11/2020
Vikki Carr
P.O. Box 780968
San Antonio, TX 78278
http://surfmypictures.com/image/438533d368041652/pojt8.html |      |
Kommentare hinzufügen | 1 Kommentar