Wie man fanpost und autogrammbitten an Peter Sallis schickt?:
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Falls Sie in leben, schicken Sie einen ordentlich gestempelten und an sich selbst adressierten Umschlag (Mindestgröße 11x22cm) mit Ihrem brief und ein foto.
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
Peter Sallis Disappointment - 24. September 2013 Well I wrote to Peter Sallis on 5th August, the famous voice of Wallace in Wallace & Gromit, and character of Norman Clegg in Last of the Summer Wine, and I enclosed a photo of Wallace and Gromit, a letter of request and a self-addressed stamped envelope.
I used the following address:
Peter Sallis
Jonathan Altaras Associates
11 Garrick Street
Covent Garden
I received a printed letter back on 21st September saying he is sadly unable to sign anything, and they returned my photo and enclosed a photo with a pre-printed signature on it. I am aware Mr. Sallis is now 92 and suffers from macular degeneration meaning his eyesight is going, so I daresay it is no longer possible to obtain an autograph from Peter Sallis at all. Shame, but nevertheless I tried.
You can see the pre-printed autograph here:
My envelope here:
The letter I received:
And the photo I sent to be signed:
Personally unless youre happy with a tiny pre-printed photo, I wouldnt bother writing to Peter Sallis for an autograph. I dont even know if my letter was read by him. Just watch the programmes and appreciate his work that way. |     |
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Peter Sallis - Response but just a copy autograph - 23. Februar 2013 Peter Sallis response but not real autograph
Sent: 25/09/2012
Received: 23/02/2013
I used this address if you want to write a letter and show appreciation
Peter Sallis
Jonathan Altaras Associate Ltd
11 Garrick Street
Covent Garden
London WC2E 9AR
UK   |
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