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Randy Jackson
Randy Jackson
Ehemaliger American-Football-Spieler Forum
Auch: Randall Belford Jackson Veröffentlichen ihre rückkopplung
Geburtstag: 06. Marz 1944 Autogramm-galerie von Randy Jackson
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Rückkopplung: 11/4/2023 >>>


Randy Jackson
747 Musago Run
Lake Mary, FL 32746-2209
Vereinigte Staaten
Mehr informationen:

747 Musago Run
Lake Mary, FL 32746-2209
Vereinigte Staaten

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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):

NFL Randy Jackson Success - 11. April 2023
Sent a LOR, SASE and 2 TCs to: Randall 'Randy' Jackson 747 Musago Run Lake Mary, FL 32746 Sent: 3/21/23 Received: 4/11/23

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Randy Jackson MLB - 19. Dezember 2015
I mailed a custom baseball card to Randy Jackson on November 14, 2015. Here is my success, from November 24, 2015; 10 days later: address in data base: Randy Jackson 250 Hunnicut Dr Athens GA 30601

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Randy Jackson Baseball - 26. Oktober 2015
Ransom Joseph Jackson (born 10 February 1926) is a former American Major League Baseball (MLB) player for the Chicago Cubs (1950-1955), Dodgers (1956-1958; two seasons in Brooklyn, one in Los Angeles), Cleveland Indians (1958-1959), and ended his career back with the Cubs (1959). The Chicago Cubs drafted Jackson and on 2 May 1950, the 24-year-old made his major-league début. "Handsome Ransom" had four solid seasons at third base for the Cubs from 1951 to 1955. Jackson followed up a slow rookie season (in which he had 111 at-bats over 34 games) with a solid second season, in which he hit .276 with 76 RBI and 16 home runs. He struggled again in his third major-league season, his average falling to .232, with 34 RBI and 9 home runs. Jackson rebounded over the next three seasons, posting batting averages of .285 (1953), .273 (1954), and .265 (1955). His RBI (66, 67, and 70) and home run (19, 19, and 21) totals also rebounded. Nor did his defensive play lag behind: in 1955, Jackson led the National League (NL) in double plays. Sent him 2 cards on 14 Oct and got both back signed on 26 Oct - signed them Ransom Jackson.. He also wrote a little note saying he has a book coming out in May and you can go to Handsome Ransom for information but I could not find the website.. I am computer illiterate .... Mr Randy Jackson 250 Hunnicut Dr, Athens, GA 30601

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