Masako Nozawa Aoni Production Co. Ltd. 5th Floor Pola Aoyama Bldg. 2-5-17 Minami Aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo-to 107-8572 Japan
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Aoni Production Co. Ltd. (Schauspielagentur) 5th Floor Pola Aoyama Bldg. 2-5-17 Minami Aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo-to 107-8572 Japan Fone: +81 (0)03-3479-1791 Fax: +81 (0)03-3470-1007 Offizielle seite Anmerkungen: |
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Rückkopplung (Auf englisch):
MASAKO NOZAWA- JAP voice actress of SON GOKU & GOHAN from DRAGONBALL Z , AUTHENTIC SUCCESS!!! - 14. Januar 2021 Sent an autograph request package containing 2 animation cels, LOR, SAE & ¥2,000 ($19 cash for return postage), to the legendary Japanese voice actress of 'Son Goku' and 'Gohan' from DRAGONBALL Z, 'Masako Nozawa' on 28.11.2020 , recieved a package from them on 11.01.2021 - the cels were unsigned, but they enclosed a personalized signed 8 X 10'' calligraphy board from Nozawa-
the Japanese are pretty honest people where business is concerned, so I have no doubt to question it's authenticity.
Used this address (below is both the English and Japanese versions):
5th floor Paula Aoyama Building,
2-5-17 Minami Aoyama,
Tokyo 107-8572
to any DRAGONBALL fans who are reading this , I suggest you send your request ASAP while she's still alive (she's 83 now!) | |
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